Contact: Phyllis Wargo, 610-797-9158
Bacchae last met on March 13 to continue tasting and rating Sauvignon Blanc and Cabernet Sauvignon. Co-hostesses Amy and Louise told us that we would have a surprise after tasting both wines. We all enjoyed the Cabernet but panned the Sauvignon Blanc. The surprise was the revelation that both wines were from the producer Black Box—and came in what is often referred to as “wine in a box”. These wines come in large and small “boxes”. Great news for people who enjoy wine but don’t want to drink an entire bottle before it goes bad! Our next meeting will be held at 3:00 on April 10 at Fran’s and Jeanne’s house with Claire serving as co-hostesses.
Any questions? Contact Phyllis Wargo.
Group tastes and studies wine in all its aspects. New members welcome.
Hot Topics
Contact: Randi Blauth,
1st Wednesday, 1:00-2:30pm in members’ homes. No December meeting. Using various media, this inter-branch group will examine current issues from multiple perspectives. Members will choose topics and information used for discussion. Members must contact Randi to receive the readings, etc. for the month and to RSVP. Please join us for lifelong learning, meaningful discussion, and camaraderie!
Mystery Paperback
Contact: Susan McNamara, 610-861-8066
The Mystery Group does not meet In April. In May, Mary Dawson will lead the discussion of Barbara Nadel’s A Knife to the Heart in which we will follow a very likable detective, characterized as “grumpy and unsociable… the Morse of Istanbul” as he seeks to solve a murder predicted by a Ouija board. We will meet at 1:00pm on Tuesday, May 28th and Olga Conneen will be our hostess.
Out to Lunch Bunch
Contact: Amy Fields, Joan Howe
OTLB met at Urbano Mexican Restaurant and Bar on Wednesday, March 13. Great
food and great conversation from vacations to cleaning out houses – because our kids don’t want our “stuff”. A few even enjoyed their delicious margaritas! Join us next month at the Clubhouse Grill at Bethlehem Municipal Golf Course on Illicks Mill Rd. We will meet there (just across the street!) after a full morning of work at Book Fair. Join us April 10, 2024 at 12:30. Please email Amy Fields at to reserve your chair!
Paperback I
Contact: Mardi Metzger
Paperback I will meet at 1:00 p.m. in the home of Norma Ferguson. New members will be
warmly welcomed. Call Mardi Metzger, her number is found in the year book. We will discuss The Widow’s War, a novel by Sally Cabot Gunning. This is a historical novel set in a New England whaling village. Lyddie Berry’s husband, a whaler, is lost at sea. Now she is a widow and the dependent of her son-in-law. Lyddie refuses to give her son- in-law all that she and her husband worked for and becomes an outcast in the village. She eventually develops a strong sense of self and finds love.
4th Tuesday, 1:00 members’ homes. Sept.-June, no Dec. meeting. June meeting held at a restaurant. Members choose and read same paperback book of various genres for discussion at meetings. New members warmly welcomed.
Paperback II
Contact: Mary Lou Vernon, 610-442-1810
Eight members of Paperback II book group met at Linda Federico’s home on Tuesday, March 19, 2024. Linda Zimmerman led a discussion of Drew Gilpin Faust’s Necessary Trouble. This book was written by the first woman president of Harvard. She grew up just about the time that we did, experiencing life in the South, at boarding school, and then at Bryn Mawr. She was involved with civil rights in the South and protesting the Viet Nam War. Our next meeting is April 16 at Linda Zimmerman’s home. We will welcome Anne Supsic, author of The Bookmark, who will lead our discussion. The book is historic fiction about a nurse helping the Marquis de Layette convalesce in Bethlehem, PA after being wounded in the Revolutionary War. It will be a fun read as we recognize so many places and events from right here in our city! The Paris Library by Janet Skeslien Charles was chosen as our book for May.
3rd Tuesday, 7:00pm in members’ homes, September through May, no December meeting. Members choose and read same paperback book of various genres for discussion at meetings. New members welcome.
Public Policy
Contact: Joan Howe
Public Policy Study Group met on March 11th. Our small group had a great discussion on many topics; Democracies v Republics, pros and cons of Electoral College, pros of mail in ballots (get to study issues and candidates you didn’t know were on the ballot), and Women’s Reproductive Rights. We love the mottos: Educate and Activate and When You Know Better We Do Better! Contact Joan Howe if you would like to attend the next meeting April 8th 3:00 at Joan Howe’s house.
2nd Monday, 2:00pm. This group enjoys discussing nonpartisan issues in a casual, welcoming setting. We choose a small monthly action to follow up on our discussion. Branch members are welcome to attend any month.