Branch Supports Communities in School at Lincoln Elementary School
AAUW-Bethlehem members are supporting our 2013 Giving Back project generously. As of the end of November, 52 of our members donated $2,820 to help with after-school programming, focused on developing leadership in girls, at Lincoln Elementary School, Bethlehem, a school named a “Community School (CS)” in 2006. We hope to surpass the $3,000+ our members donated in 2012.
Lincoln’s vision parallels AAUW’s vision to inspire lifelong learners and create leaders one child at a time. Lincoln’s results are stunning: improvement in academics, decreased disciplinary referrals, and increased student engagement.
Your participation is voluntary. Please send your check made out to “Communities in Schools L.V.” to Treasurer Beth Corroda at 2226 Lafayette Ave., Bethlehem PA 18017-5018.
Your gift will be tax deductible to the fullest extent of the law.