Book Fair History


Whew! We’ve put the 62nd AAUW mUsed Book Fair to bed. It’s a big job, but one we both
enjoy. As we mentioned at the Scholarship reception, it takes our whole community to attend this event each year-many thanks to our Branch members who came out to support us. The support of the Lehigh Valley community folks who donate the books, CDs, DVDs and records and then return to shop the sale makes our Book Fair successful year after year.
Our Section Chairs deserve special recognition for the many hours spent on the rink organizing, sorting and pricing: Mary Lou Vernon and Bernadette Enriquez, (Biography), Olga Conneen, Barbara Janofsky and Cathy Gumlock (Children), Linda Zimmerman and Cynthia Weber
(Collectibles), Rita Bergstrom (Cooking, Political Science, STEM), Barb Myers, Linda Herkalo and Sandy Freeman (Fiction), Jo Ann Kelly (Gardening), Barbara Dietterich and Brenda Tomlinson (History), Nan Faust and Kristina Hollingsworth (Home & Hobby), Amy Fields (STEM, Political Science and Sports), Joanne Wagner (Large Print), Phyllis Wargo and Sue McNamara (Literature), Nancy Becker (CDs, DVDs, Vinyl), Linda Robbins, Cinda Jensen, Bernie Mendez and Mary Dawson (Mystery), Ken Webb (Religion), Jack Weber (Science Fiction), and Sue Monroe. It was amazing to see MANY people lined up before opening every day of the sale. For several days, it took at least 10 minutes to get the customers on the rink. We think the significant increase in customers over the last two years is due to our Facebook posts and the coverage by WFMZ.

Thanks to the donations, the great work of our volunteers and Branch members, and the huge
number of shoppers, our gross revenue this year exceeded $88,000! for a call from us next fall as we get ready for the 63rd Book Fair

Debbie Spinney and Joan Howe Co-Chairs of Books Fair 2024

61st Annual Used Book Fair

Better Collectibles List for the 61st Annual Used Book Fair

                                               2023 Book Fair

Location: Bethlehem Municipal Ice Rink, 345 Illick’s Mill Road 18017

2023 SALE DATES Thursday, April 27 – Monday, May 1, 2023

Proceeds from the annual Used Book Fair benefit college scholarships for graduating senior girls and non-traditional female students and other programs sponsored by the Branch. The Used Book Fair is made possible by the efforts of our Branch members and community volunteers. No experience is necessary to volunteer – on-site training will be provided! Please commit in any way that you can to help us with the major fundraiser.

Donation Dates: Monday, April 3 – Tuesday, April 25, 2023
Book Sorting: April 3 – April 25, 2023, Monday through Saturday, 9 AM-Noon
Kick-Off Koffee: Tuesday, April 4, 2023, @ 10 AM
Branch Members Sup & Shop: Tuesday, April 25, 2023 6PM time

Sale Dates: Thursday, April 27 – Monday, May 1, 2023

For any questions about Book Fair, please visit our ‘Contact Us’ webpage here.


Book Fair History: Celebrating 60 Years of Book Fair

Spring 2022


Thank you does not say enough to all the AAUW volunteers, community volunteers, student volunteers (community service, National Honor Society, Mormon Elders, and Senior and Brownie Girl Scouts) who made the 60th AAUW Used Book Sale a resounding success. When we started April 4 (our set up day) with car after car loaded with books, we did not know how we were going to be ready for preview day April 28. Amazingly, with all the hours of help and all of the people that helped from the sorters to the Section Chairs to the men and boys, we were ready for Sup ‘N Shop on April 26.

We also thank the community at large for not only the HUGE amount of books that were donated, but then they returned to buy, buy, buy! We hit our goal of $1 million in gross sales from our humble beginnings in 1963 by Friday morning – the second day of sales. Our total gross sales for Book Fair 2022 was $65,789. It was a record and we feel it was due to our excellent publicity and that the sale was missed so much with the two year hiatus due to COVID-19.

Meeting with section chairs and volunteers!

Senior Troop #8225 doing some Community Service by helping with Book Fair. They are checking the CD and DVD cases making sure they contain the correct disc. The troop meets at East Hills Moravian Church in Bethlehem.


The 60th Anniversary of the Book Fair Luncheon

The 60th Anniversary of the Book Fair Celebration Luncheon was held on June 29, 2022, at the Northampton Country Club hosted by Linda Robbins, Nancy Disario, and Linda Zimmerman. Forty-six Book Fair workers attended, both branch members and community volunteers. The “Named Gift Honorees” certificate was presented to all the Book Fair Chairs and Co-Chairs throughout the years. Eight past and present Chairs – Marie Boltz, Cinda Jensen, Margaret Mahoney, Nancy Disario, Linda Robbins, Debbie Spinney, Rita Bergstrom, and Amy Fields shared their memories and Rita announced that our official total from this year’s sale was $65,800. Wow! Cynthia Weber told about Amazon sales, Fran Bentkowski explained the history of our scholarships, and Jack Weber regaled us with excerpts from his life as a male volunteer. The Readers’ Game proved to be rather difficult but Barbara Meyers’ table prevailed with the mot correct answers. We all enjoyed the delicious meal, the camaraderie, and the chance to see everyone in their party clothes rather than their dusty Book Fair sweatshirts and t-shirts.

60th Annual Used Book Fair

Location: Bethlehem Municipal Ice Rink, 345 Illick’s Mill Road 18017

2022 SALE DATES Thursday, April 28 – Monday, May 2, 2022

Proceeds from the annual Used Book Fair benefit college scholarships for graduating senior girls and non-traditional female students and other programs sponsored by the Branch. The Used Book Fair is made possible by the efforts of our Branch members and community volunteers. No experience is necessary to volunteer – on-site training will be provided! Please commit in any way that you can to help us with the major fundraiser.
Donation Dates: Monday, April 4 – Tuesday, April 26, 2022
Book Sorting: April 4 – April 26, 2022, Monday through Saturday, 9 AM-Noon
Kick-Off Koffee: Tuesday, April 5, 2022, @ 10 AM
Branch Members Sup & Shop: Tuesday, April 26, 2022 (PM time to be announced)
Sale Dates: Thursday, April 28 – Monday, May 2, 2022

For any questions about Book Fair, please visit our ‘Contact Us’ webpage here.

Book Fair Celebrates 50 Years

By Karen Donald and Nancy Disario


From Main Street to Broad Street to Illick’s Mill Road, AAUW-Bethlehem Book Fair has evolved and thrived. On March 30, 2012, we will celebrate our 50 years of Book Fair with a luncheon at Hampton Winds of Northampton Community College. You will be receiving a detailed invitation in the mail. If you have any special memories or thoughts about Book Fair, we would like you to send them along with your response so that we could share them at the luncheon. Please join us for this special celebration.

Next month we will tell the story of when and where the Book Fair was held, who played the important roles in making it a success, and how we used the proceeds totaling more than $640,000 from the first 49 years.

From left: Mrs. Donald Fraser, Miss Amy Preston, Mrs. B. Ellis Service and Lynn Heller, a student at Moravian College.

From left: Mrs. C.A. Moore, Mrs. Harry Dougherty, Mrs. Thomas Jensen (that’s Cinda!), and Mrs. Truman Frey.






Photos scanned from archived news clippings by Sue Pettit