

For the past several years, the AAUW Bethlehem Branch has employed an EXECUTIVE TEAM model of Leadership. The TEAM consists of the elected officers of the Branch. Membership Vice President(s) and Finance Officer are elected for a two-year term in April of odd-numbered years, and Program Vice President(s) and Secretary are elected for a two-year term in April of even-numbered years. This allows half of the Executive Team to have a minimum of one year’s experience in day-to-day leadership. Each elected officer may stand for re-election twice.

The Executive Team shares the responsibilities of leadership on a rotating basis, e.g., moderating Executive Team Meetings, communicating with Branch members through the e-newsletter, monitoring communications from AAUW National and AAUW PA, and keeping the Branch focused on the AAUW Mission, Vision, and Values. Each officer also follows National, State, and Branch guidelines for their individual responsibilities.  To provide a smooth transition, the outgoing officer will be available to the incoming officer as a mentor throughout the coming fiscal year. The Team also conducts self-evaluations and exit interviews at the June Team Meeting.

The Executive Team appointed a three person nominating committee who will serve a 2 year term. They in turn will select their replacements.