2014 Book Fair

Linda’s squared are trying to keep you informed in each issue of the Bylines, in an effort to generate branch interest in volunteering this year and to positively impact our scholarship funds.

Book Fair is not a contest between chairs or years.  It is similar to playing golf- always trying to beat your own last score.

New ideas and changes in appearance do not demean the work of previous chairs, they only enhance it. The basic procedures for our Book Fair were set in place over many years by Myrna, Cinda, Margaret, Claire, Karen, Nancy and others. It is our job for the present and future to utilize these strategies and to build on them and to enhance through new marketing and selling ideas.

The current chairs, captains and volunteers work countless hours behind the scenes. I know we all appreciate the time and dedication of these loyal volunteers. We encourage you to join the force. The sales team is equally important, and we hope when called you will volunteer for two or three shifts this year. But without the sorting, pricing and displaying over 50,000 books for six long weeks, there would be no need for sales.

Dates are reserved for the building, tables ordered, and we will be working with the printer in January to order posters and book marks.

As the holidays approach and thoughts turn to giving, jot a note on your calendar to give of yourself to the AAUW Book Fair. You may find you receive more than you give.

Don’t forget the Captains’ Meeting  Thursday, February 27 at 1pm, hosted by Linda Robbins.

Happy Holidays from the Book Fair Team.

Linda Robbins
Linda Zimmerman